Monday, July 10, 2006

Home again!

There's something special about coming home.

Yesterday afternoon I accompanied my youngest sister and her three children to the village for the Burscough Festival. Typically English, there was torrential rain and a cold wind as the parade set off, the schoolchildren in their fancy dress looking beautiful...but cold! I thought of all the parents who had spent hours organising costumes that would quickly become bedraggled and not quite as splendid as they had hoped.

But then came the parade of the Morris Dancers...and I felt my eyes fill with tears. Somehow the Morris Dancers symbolise England for me and have done for many years. Seeing them so soon after my arrival back in the country made me realise I am home again.

We all need a place that is home, that is uniquely ours, to where we can return and fit in, no matter how long we have been away. 'Home is where the heart is'.

God bless,
Sr. Janet