Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking at life differently

She is really very ill and could die at any time, and yet she went to Lourdes last week. Her daughter, who accompanied her, thought that her mother went to pray for herself, for health and, perhaps a cure. No. After bathing in the grotto, she said that she wanted to give thanks for having lived longer than she had expected. Life is not something to dread, or to complain about its pains and difficulties: it is something to cherish and celebrate with gratitude even with that pain.

May God bless her and all those who, in their sickness, provide such a wonderful example of faith to those of us who are lagging behind them. When death comes, may it be a peaceful, pain-free and joyful transition into the fullness of life, for surely, one who is dying and yet is full of gratitude is already very close to God.

God bless,
Sr Janet